28.11.2010 | 11:50
S-Kórea hafnar višręšum!
Enn segir Mogginn bara hįlfsannleikann ķ mįlinu eša ennžį minna en žaš. Sušur-Kóreumenn höfnušu žegar ķ staš tillögum Kķnverja um višręšur og sögšu žęr ekki tķmabęrar.
Žį herma nżjustu fréttir aš ķbśar eyjarinnar Yeonpyeong hafi veriš fyrirskipaš aš yfirgefa hana. Ef žaš er rétt žį er nokkuš ljóst aš nś eigi aš sverfa til stįls. Bandarķkjamenn og S-Kórea eru aš sżna vöšvana og hefja ķ dag fjögurra daga heręfingar ķ Gula hafinu. Žar er fremst ķ flokki flugmóšurskipiš USS George Washington sem žykir žaš flottasta og fullkomnasta sem til er ķ dag.
Enn ķtreka Bandarķkjamenn aš ekki sé veriš aš ęfa innrįs ķ Kķna, en segja ekkert um žaš hvort veriš sé aš ęfa innrįs ķ N-Kóreu - eša hvort ętlunin sé aš hefna dauša fjögurra Sušur-Kóreumanna hundrašfalt eša žśsundfalt eins og einn S-Kóreanskur hershöfšingi oršaši žaš svo smekklega viš śtför hinna lįtnu.
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Kķna vill višręšur um N-Kóreu |
Tilkynna um óvišeigandi tengingu viš frétt |
Um bloggiš
Torfi Kristján Stefánsson
- Ķ dag (19.3.): 1
- Sl. sólarhring: 76
- Sl. viku: 173
- Frį upphafi: 461799
- Innlit ķ dag: 1
- Innlit sl. viku: 145
- Gestir ķ dag: 1
- IP-tölur ķ dag: 1
Uppfęrt į 3 mķn. fresti.
"South Korea's Yonhap news agency said President Lee Myung-bak had told visiting senior Chinese foreign policy adviser Dai Bingguo that Seoul was not interested in the early resumption of *the six-party nuclear talks themselves*, as it was more urgent to deal with Pyongyang's belligerence." -BBC
"This week's bombardment from their volatile northern neighbours has left South Koreans tired of turning the other cheek, reports Andrew Gilligan in Incheon" - The Telegraph
""A series of complicated factors have recently emerged on the Korean Peninsula. The international community, particularly members of the Six-Party Talks, is deeply concerned," said Wu. [...] Wu said the proposed consultations did not mean the resumption of the Six-Party Talks, but he hoped they could "help create conditions" for the resumption of the talks. The talks, launched in 2003, stalled when *the DPRK quit in April 2009*.
Chinese State Councilor Dai Bingguo met with President Lee Myung-bak on Sunday in Seoul.
Stressing the situation on the peninsula was worrisome, the two sides agreed the parties concerned should make joint efforts to engage in serious contact and dialogue to ease tensions and safeguard overall peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula and northeast Asia." - Xinhua
"The bombardment of the island was the first attack on a civilian area since the 1950-53 Korean War, and it enraged the South Koreans far more than previous provocations by the North, including its *nuclear weapons tests* and the sinking in March of a South Korean warship that killed 46 sailors. Despite the findings of an international investigation, North Korea denies responsibility for the sinking." - New York Times
"The reaction was seen as a de facto rejection of Beijing's proposal that the chief delegates from the six nations meet in early December to discuss tensions on the Korean Peninsula after North Korea's deadly artillery strike on a South Korean island.
"Our government will take note of China's proposal," the foreign ministry said in a statement.
"But holding a six-party chief delegates' meeting should be studied very carefully considering" North Korea's series of provocations "caused negative effects" on efforts to create the right conditions to resume the talks that involve the two Koreas, China, Japan, Russia and the U.S., it said.
Before restarting the talks, the right conditions should be created first so that the negotiations can make substantial progress, the ministry said, referring to South Korea's long-running demand that North Korea take concrete steps demonstrating its *denuclearization commitments*." - Yonhap News Agency
Brynjar Björnsson (IP-tala skrįš) 28.11.2010 kl. 13:18
Žetta stašfestir aušvitaš žaš sem ég sagši. Sušur-Kórea neitar aš hefja aftur hinar svoköllušu sex rķkja višręšur (og setur skilyrši fyrir žvķ aš žeim verši haldiš įfram af žeirra hįlfu):
"The reaction was seen as a de facto rejection of Beijing's proposal that the chief delegates from the six nations meet in early December to discuss tensions on the Korean Peninsula" ...
"Before restarting the talks, the right conditions should be created first so that the negotiations can make substantial progress".
Torfi Stefįnsson (IP-tala skrįš) 28.11.2010 kl. 15:08
Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.