1.3.2022 | 20:50
Frišur į jörš!
Var aš sjį žetta į vef skįkmanna, innlegg sem kom til vegna tilrauna til aš śtiloka rśssneska skįkmenn frį keppni ķ undanrįsum heimsmeistaramótsins ķ skįk:
Peace on earth
Is it so black and white? How many know that Ukraine has been bombing its eastern Russian-speaking provinces (Donbass) for 8 years and has violated the Minsk Accords for 7 years? Those accords were promises to promote cultural and financial exchanges between Ukraine and Donbass and to assure the Russian-speaking citizens more autonomy.
When Zelensky came to power in 2019, he also refused to honor the Minsk Accords that Ukraine, Germany, France, and Russia signed. Only Russia objected to the conditions in Donbass, from which 2 million have fled during this period.
Schools were bombed in Donbass last week, a bus stop, civilians driving [...] with loss of life [...].
The international community, particularly Germany, France, and the US, have been wrong to ignore [Russia] for many years and to refuse talks with Putin.
The Kiev government outlawed the Russian language in its Russian-speaking provinces and shut down the media, yet we are to believe Zelensky is a hero of democracy?
I am neutral. I am not an expert, but Ukraine and energy and the EU and NATO have been sources of tension for decades, left unresolved.
What precisely does the UN do, anyway? There has been no effective diplomacy.
It is the common people who suffer for the incompetence and misdeeds of the few in charge.
Biden himself has had his hand in Ukraines cookie jar, and little from his administration can be believed at face value. Media coverage and political rhetoric have been one-sided. US media parrot and amplify whatever he says. That is leading to escalation, which is a catastrophe for all humanity.
We need a ceasefire and peace talks, not the drawing of battle lines. I am for everyones rights, peace, and prosperity. Lets not be so enraged at one side that we destroy all sides. Peace can be found, if people of goodwill look carefully. [...]
From a distant observer, a nobody.
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Selenskķ fékk gervihnattasķma frį Bandarķkjunum |
Tilkynna um óvišeigandi tengingu viš frétt |
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Torfi Kristján Stefánsson
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Uppfęrt į 3 mķn. fresti.
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